At What Interval Should Walls be Painted?

Walls be Painted

The following factors can help determine the frequency of wall repainting. The type of paint used is essential because different types of paint have different expected life spans. Another critical factor is the condition of the walls, where areas with high traffic, children, and pets will require repainting more often. Other contributors that can influence […]

How to Use Colors for Good Feng Shui in Your Home

Colors for Home

Understanding the Principle of Organizing Space by the Five Elements Feng shui is a science of ancient Chinese origin, based on orienting space and the points of energy flowing in living and working spaces. In Feng Shui, it is also necessary to pay attention to colors to ensure a harmonized energy flow. Therefore, applying color […]

Find Ideas for Washable Paint for Rooms That are a Mess

Washable Paint Ideas

There are certain rooms in many homes that always get messy; these are areas where children often play or do their art projects, for instance, a playroom or art room. It is a good idea to paint the walls in these rooms with washable paint. Washable paint is made to be cleaned and is durable in […]

How Do I Mix Two Colors to Get Yellow?

Mix Two Colors to Get Yellow

Yellow is a bright, warm, sunny color, which gives off a feeling of happiness and optimism to a viewer. Aesthetically, in art and design, yellow is vital for illumination, contrast, and the expression of energy. When painting or using different colors and shades, learning how to blend the colors to produce the right yellow shades […]

How to Choose the Right Color for the Outside of Your House

Outside of Your House

Choosing an exterior color for your house is one of the most important steps that contributes to the alteration of the exterior looks of the house. The color that you choose can complement the architectural design, blend with the surroundings, and even make a small house look larger than it is. Below are some guidelines that can […]

When is the Best Time to Paint Your Rental Home?

Rental Home Paint

The best chance you will have of painting or redecorating is when you have no tenant in your place. An empty home will enable you to fully prepare the surfaces, apply the paint, and give it ample time that it needs to dry and cure. This will also prevent causing discomfort to any individuals with fumes, causing […]

3 Techniques for Matching Paint Color Already on Walls

matching paint color

Deciding on a perfect paint color that will match the original walls is a difficult task. Still, it is crucial to have a cohesive and uninterrupted interior space. When a new paint color is slightly off from the existing wall color, it can produce an unattractive, half-matching appearance that, in turn, leads to the visual distortion […]

11 Important Safety Tips for Painting the Inside of Your Home

Indoor Painting

Prepare Your Work Area Properly  The first thing you should do is clear out the area. Take everything out of your space, such as wall decor, pictures, furniture, and other objects. This will save you time and work if you do it first, instead of later when you’re ready to paint. It is also essential to cover […]

This Spring, Give Your House a Fresh Coat of Paint!

House Coat Paint

Change your home’s appearance and atmosphere with a fresh coat of paint, and watch the magic happen! The first impression your home makes on outsiders definitely matters, and paint can help change that for the better. Every bit of a perfectly maintained exterior helps a home have more curb appeal and a beautiful appearance, and it […]

Should You Paint Your Brick Hearth?

Brick Hearth Paint

Brick hearths have been a part of many homes for decades and function as a relaxing and welcoming spatial hob. There is a possibility that spaces like this might become unchic or not in style anymore. Painting a brick hearth in do-it-yourself fashion is a perfect way to create a new focal point of your room, which […]